
The Antenna Measurement Group's mission statement is "High Quality Research backed by High Quality Measurements". Comprehensive experimental facilities are available at Queen Mary and are housed in the Antenna Measurement Laboratory.

Antenna Measurement Laboratory

The Antenna Research Group at Queen Mary University of London has a long-standing record on antenna design and related electromagnetic research.

Real-time Power and Control System Lab

The RPCS laboratory focus on solving complex problems in mobility electrification, energy networks, energy efficiency and reduction of harmful gases. We look into these energy problems in the context of cyber-physical systems (CPS) problem.

Mechanical Workshop

An extensive mechanical workshop is associated with the AML, providing most of the Group’s prototype manufacturing needs and including a developing CAD/CAM capability.

Research Group Offices

Our new offices had been opened in January 2020

Software and Computing

The Group has a range of in-house developed antenna design software, as well as commercial CAD/CEM and CAD/CAM software. Two HPC clusters support the Group's work.